Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Veronica's visit

David is crawling already! He started the day he turned 8 months, and yesterday Alfredo found him standing in his crib (hanging on the railing of course)!

This past weekend we had a lot of fun when tia Veronica came to visit. On Friday we ate really good Mexican food. On Saturday we did Frank Lloyd Wright's Oak Park tour, which was beautiful. That night Veronica and I went for Ethiopian food with Greg's parents and sister, and it was a really different experience. We all ate with our hands from a common plate... The food was delicious! On Sunday we ate Greek for lunch and then went to Navy Pier for a walk. We found a tractor exhibit, and Gabo was delighted!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Foo Fighters

Los Santana Boys

playing the

Foo Fighters

Potty Trained!!!

This past weekend Gabo learned to use the bathroom. He is doing great, using "calzoncillos" like Papi... :)

Believe it or not, Alfredo taught him in just one day! Abuelita Camena gave me this book that claimed it could be done, and it was true! We are so happy.

Good job Gabo!!!

Isabel Deniz

El 5 de septiembre nacio mi bella sobrina Isabel Deniz. Aprieten el link para ver mas fotos.