Today I felt very proud about my kids. They had their scheduled doctor's appointment and everything went very well (David is 32.5 in high -5th percentile- and weights 22 lbs -less than 5th percentile-, Gabriel is 40 in high and weights 36 lbs -50th percentile on both-). At the end David had to get one vaccination and Gabo had to get four! David only cried a little bit, but Gabo was so brave he didn't even cry! He just complained about the pain, but I explained to him that it was supposed to hurt a little, and he was so mature about it.
Here is a picture of Gabo and some of his friends at school this morning.

"The Cheetahs picked a magazine. They looked in the magazine for different types of boats and things that live in the water. They would cut the picture out and then glue the picture to a blue piece of paper. We talked to the Cheetahs about the blue paper being the water".
1 comment:
Esos son mis nietos, igualitos que su mama, ella nunca lloro cuando la pincharon. Eso dice mucho de la confianza que tienen en los adultos. Bravo muchachos!
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