"Ms. Kelley explained to the Cheetahs the food pyramid. Then Ms. Kelley made the food pyramid out of different colored tape. We used our pretend food to sort the different foods into the correct color of the pyramid. Each Cheetah had a turn to put at least two pieces of food into the food pyramid. Some of the foods were easy to look at our poster and put in the correct spot but some of the food we had to guess where the food went. The Cheetahs were very excited when they matched the correct food with the correct color. Check out our food pyramid on the carpet and you could even work with your child on where the food goes!"
I know I have been putting a lot of pictures of Gabriel and none of David for a while... I just want to say that we have taken none of these pictures, but Gabriel's teachers are now e-mailing them to me, so I just put them up with their own comments... I have been trying to get David's teachers to do the same, but it just has not happened...
By the way, David moved up to the Cockatoo room last Wednesday. He loves it! He is having a lot of fun there, but he looks tiny compared to his friends...
Es maravilloso ver las fotos que envian las maestras. Ojala las de David lo hagan tambien. A lo mejor las de las cacatuas se deciden! Esto de la piramide de alimentos me parece genial, y se ve que el Gabo estaba interesadisimo.
Yo tambien hago esa actividad en mi salon! :)
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