Language Works: Ms. Carly had the Cockatoos pretend they were going on a train trip and talked about what items they would need to pack in their suitcases. Then each child chose an item from their cubby to pack in the suitcase. After our suitcase was packed and ready for a trip, Ms. Carly read Sesame Street’s,
The Train Station, where Elmo is preparing to go on a train trip to the country.
Math Counts: The Cockatoo’s worked very hard to put together a train puzzle. They really enjoyed trying to match the pieces in their correct places. The Cockatoo’s used teamwork and helped their friends during this activity. When the puzzle was finished, the Cockatoos sat on the puzzle and pretended they were going on a train ride and made sounds like “Chugga Chugga Choo Choo.”
Art Smart: After discussing what items the Cockatoo’s would need to pack in their suitcases if they were going on a train ride, they used pictures cut out from magazines to create collages of things they would choose to pack in their own suitcase. The children loved looking at all the different items and deciding what they should glue on to their collage.
Group Time: The Cockatoos had an activity filled group time. Ms. Carly talked about what sounds a train makes and used the sounds blocks to show what sound a train makes when it is on the train tracks. Olivia shared her train from home and talked about how her train was green.
David also shared his Thomas train along with his train tracks and was excited to demonstrate how Thomas goes across the bridge to his Cockatoo friends. Then, Ms. Carly read Choo Choo Clickety-Clack! And Thomas and the School Trip and the children were so excited to look at all the different pictures in the stories.
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