During center time Ms. Kelley worked with the Cheetahs by tracing an outline of their foot, either with a shoe on or a shoe off. When we were done tracing Ms. Kelley showed the Cheetahs how to use the tape measure and/or ruler to measure their footprint. Most of the Cheetahs were between 5 to 9 inches!
Fantastico que chicos de 4 años aprendan a medir. Y cuando mide tu pie, Gabo?
No sabemos... tendremos que medirlo otra vez en la casa...
Si. Medir es un objetivo de Prekinder, pero nuestro distrito no requiere que lo evaluemos (solo que lo enseñemos). Quizas piensan que es demasiado peluo? El Gabo se ve on top of things!
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