Half of the children examined and hid paper frogs from the other half of the class. The other group of children played "Frog, Frog, where’s your fly?" and looked for the hidden frogs.
While Ms. Rebekah and her group hid the frogs, Ms. Kelley and her group read a few stories and discussed frogs with the children in the next room.
We then switched children and repeated the activities.

Math Activity: Matching Frogs
We worked on matching frogs by size and color with the children and a few of the children sorted the frogs while others created patterns with them. The children enjoyed observing, touching and manipulating the frogs during center time.
Art Activity: Tissue Paper Frogs
Ms. Kelley and Ms. Rebekah assisted the children with the glue as they created frogs with paper towel rolls, tissue paper, and glue. The children created some very interesting frogs, and this afternoon when they are dry the children will be adding the faces, legs and arms to their 3-D frogs!!!

Language Activity: "Froggy’s Baby Sister" by Jonathan London, "Hoptoad" by Jane Yolen
Ms. Kelley read "Froggy’s Baby Sister" and "Hoptoad". We split into two groups this morning one with Ms. Rebekah and the other with Ms. Kelley. The group with Ms. Kelley read the two stories about frogs and talked about where frogs live and when do we see frogs. Ms. Kelley also showed the Cheetahs that there can be many different colored frogs. Each group got to hear the stories. While the group was listening to the stories the other group was hiding frogs so the children listening to the stories could find the frogs.
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