David's classroom activities:
The Toddler Unit focused on the fall classic Five Little Pumpkins for their theme. The toddlers were able to explore hay and pumpkin “guts” as a great science experience. The families were also able to paint little pumpkins to take home (art)!
Gabriel's classroom activities:
The Cheetah Classroom had a variety of stimulating activities centered on the book Caps for Sale. The preschool children estimated how many hats they could stack on their head and then documented the results (science and math). They also practiced tracing and cutting skills while creating a cap of their own (fine motor).
The Core area focused on a fall theme for families. Children were invited to sort leaves into numbered baskets and create leaf rubbings for art. We also provided a variety of fall themed books, a felt book story, and songs to use.
Here is a picture they took of Mami and Gabo creating some leaf rubbings and eating some apples!

¡Qué nota! ¿Y tú cómo hiciste, pediste el día en el trabajo?
Entiendo que fue en la noche, no? Fantastico que participe la familia entera!
Fué en la tarde, desde las 4:30pm. Yo llegué como a un cuarto para las cinco y estuve ahí como una hora. ¡Estuvo chévere!
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