Here is the last picture of David sleeping with a pacifier. He doesn't any more... but he still sleeps with a stuffed animal (that varies) and the blanket that Abuela Camena knitted.
Here you see him in one of his favorite pass times: getting all the shoes out of their place...
Here he is sitting down (he sits down by first standing on the chair and then sliding down into it), and of course, as is true of almost everything he does lately, Gabo also had to do the same (at the same time).
Finally, here are Gabo and David drinking "jugo heterogéneo" with Papi...
Las fotos estan preciosas, y me parece que el jugo heterogeneo ha hecho que el Nene desarrolle bastante .... barriga! Lo veo llenito; se esta comiendo la comida del Gabo?
Hello, stumbled onto your blog. Keep it up. I was wondering what 'jugo heterogeneo' was. I'll look it up.
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Pues si, el Nene esta comiendo mas que Gabo (literalmente)... Si lo dejamos, lo deja a Gabo sin comer...
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