Yesterday David had his scheduled doctor's appointment. He is now 12lbs 14oz. Dr. Fox says that he is doing great, except that he doesn't seem to be gaining enough weight. She will see him again next month.
He had three vaccines yesterday and cried very little, he was very brave! Gabriel was also amazing. He got a flu vaccine and didn't cry at all. I explained to him carefully what was going to happen and he did great, especially when they put the band-aid on (he loves band-aids!).
David has started eating meat, and will start now eating yogurt, cheese and egg yolk. We will also start trying to give him table foods. He does very well with the cheerios, so I am guessing he will do fine.
Finally! David's teeth have started to come out. His two lower middle teeth are appearing. Gabriel had six teeth at this age... ;)
As you have seen in the video, Nene can now climb the furniture and use it for support. He is very fast crawling too.
On Friday I leave for Tucson, AZ. I have a conference there. I will come back on Saturday. We'll see how dad manages... I'll miss them all very much!