Today we decided to get some ice cream and alas! Gabo can spoon ice cream by himself. That doesn't mean that his aim is any better. I would say that a good 20% of the ice cream landed on me, but it was still really cute.

Barbara is telling me what to write, so ithis may sound like a list, but here it goes.
1 . - We are moving to Chicago. Barbara accepted a position at Roosevelt University as an Assistant Prof. I am still in limbo, not knowing whether I'll continue in a masters program right away or not. We are planning to be there in early August.
2. - El Gabo has now a mouthful of teeth. He is not happy about the teething process, but I have to say that he is not miserable either. He seems more concerned about the roseola that he caught at school. A lot of things happend in that school... he got bitten by another toddler on Thurday. They are still so uncivilized : )
3. - Gabriel can now blow kisses, say bye ("bah"), he can stand all by himself with no help from other people or furniture, open doors, and turn on the TV and change channels to his heart's content (he gets that from me). He also claps when there is music. It is a very exciting time...
Glenn, Liam and I have moved back to Madison now, which is only 2.5 hours from Chicago--so we'll definitely have to get together once you move! Maybe Gabriel can teach Liam how to eat ice cream! When's the big event? Hope you see you soon.
- Ceri, Glenn and Liam
We definitely have to get together now that we will be living so close. We are planning to move at the beginning of August, we'll keep you posted.
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