Hola todos,
This week Gabriel had his first week at day care, and he seems to like it. He's still going through not seeing us all the time, but he'll get over it. His teachers are very nice (all four of them), and Gabriel likes them too. Of course, nothing like his old teacher, Mona, but she was really special.
Barbara also started to teach this past week, and her class is very engaged. She really likes it. The hours are not so hot, but her students are better than her students at UL. She also went to the doctor and we will know in four weeks the gender of our new baby, due February 21. We are very excited about that.
About the baby's name. Leave your suggestions as comments. We have ideas, but nothing final. The main restriction is that the first name has to work both in Spanish and English. Examples of names that doesn't work are Jose and John. A name that works is Gabriel. We need names for both girls and boys, so don't be shy now.-
Ok, lets talk about the pictures. I have a few from my recent trip to Toronto, and a few from Gabos doing crazy terrible twos things. Enjoy.
This is me with Rebecca, my god-daughter.

This is Daniel, looking good... as always.

This is Raquelita with her new story book
This is Tio Nelson, also looking really good.
These are Tia Lulu and Rebequita
Gabo and a bucket of Legos
...and more Legos
Before going to school.
Oh yeah baby. Italian is always so good.